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4 things we learned about Gen Z  from the new GWI insight report

Get into the psyche of Gen Z with the trends you need to know in 2022

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GWI has provided analytics and insights to companies and individuals alike in order to better understand a Gen Z market, trends, and consumer attitudes. Here are hundo’s 4 key takeaways from their most recent report.

There was a drop in social media engagement
Social media is no longer a tool to share holiday snaps with your nearest and dearest; it's one of the most powerful marketing tools of current times. People with large amounts of followers are called influencers for a reason (they are, after all, highly influential). GWI’s report demonstrated that overall social engagement had dipped from 2020. In fact, there's been a 12% rise in people saying that they are engaging less with social media. GWI poses various explanations for this dip, including the uptake in COVID vaccinations meaning that we are no longer  stuck to the confines of the house. However, despite this dip, TikTok continued to be one of the most rapidly growing social media platforms.

Short form video for the win

With the obvious in-your-face success of TikTok, it’s no surprise that this is the case, as short-form video remains the most successful video format for Gen Z. Less polished, quickly produced short videos are the way to Gen Z’s heart! That’s not to say long-form is completely out of bounds; Gen Z also enjoy long-form vids from time to time.

Nostalgia marketing is on the up!

Put simply, nostalgia marketing is any technique that uses the ‘good old days’ or fun past memories to engage an audience. Whether it’s the Instagram archive feature, or the snapchat memories, harping back to a better time is exactly what Gen Z relate to! Any events, or campaigns that centre nostalgia is an example of this consumer marketing trend in action.

Wellness trends do well
As Gen Z appears to consume less social media, another way to keep the generation on side is to consider wellness, and wellness trends. Wellness related trends include the ‘photo dump’ that takes away the pressure from posting one significant image, and shifts the focus to a range of ‘random’ photos that are more sincere and true to life. 3 in 10 feel more confident sharing images of themselves as a direct result of this trend!

You can download the full report here.

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