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AI and the Workforce: Innovations & Insights from Dante AI with James Martin

James Martin, CEO of Dante AI, chats with Nadiyah Rajabally from hundo about how the Dante AI platform helps companies manage data through AI chatbots, voice, and 3D avatars. James explains the inspiration behind Dante AI, the productivity benefits, and their approach to data privacy and security. He also highlights their focus on innovation and future plans for more proactive AI solutions.

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Nadiyah: [00:00:00] Hi, everyone, and welcome to another interview for our CareerCon Monthly. I'm Nadiyah, Head of Marketing at hundo, and I'm here with the wonderful James Martin, CEO and co founder of Dante AI, and we're going to be diving into AI and the workforce, innovation insights from Dante AI. James, it's lovely to have you, and thank you for taking the time to join us today.

Nadiyah: Please could you introduce yourself? 

James: Hey, hundo. It's great to be here. Thank you so much for having me. My name is James Martin, and I'm the CEO and co founder of Dante AI. At Dante AI, we welcome AI simplicity to all of our users, and we empower our users to create the brands of tomorrow by implementing hyper personalized AI experiences through custom AI chatbots trained on your data, custom AI voice, and also Dante AI 3D avatars.

Nadiyah: I'm super excited to be interviewing today and hearing the thoughts on how AI is [00:01:00] impacting the world of work. So how did the idea of Dante AI originate and what inspired you to create this platform? 

James: So the initial idea for Dante AI very much came about from a problem that I kept seeing over and over again.

James: And the problem was always around companies having large amounts of data, but very inefficient ways of retrieving parts of that data that were needed at the time. And I kept seeing this over and over again. And if you take a, you know, a relatively standard organization, let's say there's a 500 person headcount across 10 offices.

James: Well, there might be data stored in many different places, whether that's on servers, whether that's within the cloud, whether that's on people's hard drives in different countries. So for someone to try and find the right information in an efficient way was a manual task essentially. And, you know, With the introduction of generative AI, it became very apparent to us that we could utilize this technology to help with this issue.

James: So Ilya and myself, Ilya was my co founder at [00:02:00] Dante AI. We set about creating a proof of concept that essentially would take a document and power the document via. An LLM, a large language model, and be able to search the information within that document nearly instantaneously and deliver results, um, to a very high accuracy.

James: And I think the thing that really made this attractive and, you know, feel, you know, very magical is the way that you could engage with the LLM in natural language. And I think this is a real step forward for, for everyone, because, you know, You know, no longer were we in the space of introducing very complicated technology to people that required a high level of expertise to use and understand this was, you know, very much.

James: Um, if you can, if you can speak, if you can write, if you can type, um, you can engage with this product and you can engage and you can gain tremendous value from it. So, you [00:03:00] know, having that accessibility was very important to us because. With the mass adoption of generative AI across the world, it's so clear that this isn't just technical users who are using platforms like Dante AI.

James: So from day one, we made it very, um, you know, very important to us that anyone using our platform with any level of expertise can come on and they can have a great experience and create a custom AI solution in literally minutes, um, and have it white labeled and deployed on their website with a few clicks.

James: So, you know, from that initial idea, we've obviously evolved, we've slightly pivoted, we've very much listened to our users across, you know, the time that we've been, um, in the market. And a lot of our users have adopted our AI chatbots for different uses compared to the initial idea of an internal product that would help a company find information in its own internal servers.

James: And people are [00:04:00] using Dante AI now to, you know, create their brand of the future that has AI as an integral, integral part of their, of their stack. So a lot of our users are creating custom AI chatbots that are trained on their data and they are employing these on their website as, you know, a customer service representative, let's say.

James: Um, with the addition of, you know, several of our latest features and products, such as custom AI voice and custom 3D AI avatars, we've really taken that level of hyper personalization up a notch because, you know, people very much understand how AI chatbots work now and that's fantastic. But what's the next step?

James: You know, and we truly believe that comes from an Omni experience, which encompasses not just text, but also voice and visuals in the form of 3D advertising. 

Nadiyah: I personally love using Dante AI and it's great to hear the story behind why you created it because I feel like what you said we have so much data [00:05:00] and I feel like so many people are overwhelmed with that and we just don't know what to do with it so having obviously a tool like Dante AI really does help with data and speed up the process.

Nadiyah: I have told my friends to use Dante AI because I do feel like it helps with productivity at work and stuff and I know that the team at hundo love using Dante especially because we're so So how does Dante AI help companies integrate AI technologies with human workers to enhance productivity and foster innovation?

Nadiyah: And what are some of its key benefits? 

James: So Dante AI's products will instantly help to increase productivity within a company and help people focus on other areas of the business, such as, you know, innovation. Um, due to there being a substantial time saving when a product such as a Dante AI chatbot is introduced to a company's outgoing communication strategy.

James: Now, the [00:06:00] easy part is creating the custom AI solution, let's say an AI chatbot in this instance, because a product like Dante is extremely easy to use, it's extremely intuitive, There is no code and very non technical users can get to grips with it in, in minutes. What we try and talk with our users around is all about what happens after we've created the AI product, the custom AI chatbot, the solution and implemented it.

James: Because really that's when the magic begins. And, you know, this is what we could call day one in that when we introduce an AI solution such as a custom AI chatbot onto our website for our company to help Answer FAQs and and be there to support our users Well, you know, let's just understand what's happening here Yes, of course the AI chatbot is helping a user find the information they need very quickly [00:07:00] But this is a two way street because we are also Connecting with those users in a much deeper way, we can access, you know, deeper connections with these users through the power of custom AI solutions, such as an AI chat bot.

James: When we start to look at the data that is generated from the AI chat bot, and it's this data which will really give us a clear, clearer insights into how our, uh, What customers are thinking, the problems they are facing, and if there are any gaps in our knowledge that the AI is referencing to help out these users.

James: So it's this whole idea around a symbiotic intelligence. And there are two parts to this, of course, one being humans and one being artificial intelligence. So, you know, when we are talking with, with, with new users, with existing users of [00:08:00] Dante AI. It's very much, um, we try and share our understanding of, you know, we can't just create a fantastic AI chat bots and put it on our website and forget about it.

James: That will obviously provide positive results, but we need to really capitalize on this opportunity here that we have with this technology. And what that means for us here at Dante AI is all around Forming these deep connections with our end users to allow us to then make much more informed decisions as we move forward.

James: So, you know, whether you are using Dante AI to create a custom AI chatbot for your brand or a custom AI avatar to visually represent your brand, you know, it's what's happening behind the scenes. It's what's happening in terms of the data that we are receiving. From the end users of the product, which we [00:09:00] can then take on as a team of humans to understand in a more deeper way.

James: And if we can take that, we can then make the artificial intelligence more intelligent and more aligned with our brand and our values to then obviously be able to connect even deeper with the end users of the products. So. Humans and artificial intelligence, it really is a hybrid workforce at the moment.

James: And it is a continuous feedback loop between the two to help each other improve. And become more efficient and foster innovation. 

Nadiyah: Yeah, I definitely agree. And yeah, I feel like a lot of people don't actually realize how it works and that it actually works two ways. And I really liked the way you explained how it works and given the inside of the behind the scenes, cause it's really important to understand the process behind these tools.

Nadiyah: Also, it does take a lot of work behind the scenes. Obviously make tools like Dante AI and [00:10:00] Chatbot and you need both the human element and obviously the tech to make the best product. And like you said, you need to make a product that benefits everyone. So can you discuss some of the potential risks related to integrate AI in the workplace, and obviously how Dante AI reduces these risk and what strategies is used?

Nadiyah: to manage this. I think 

James: as with all technologies, especially all new technologies, there will always be risks associated with implementing this within a workplace. And it's been an interesting narrative because day in, day out, we hear that artificial intelligence is the number one priority for CEOs globally.

James: And then in the same breath, we hear that AI is the biggest concern for CEOs globally. And this is because of the risk of hallucinations. And a hallucination is when a generative AI, let's take an AI chatbot, for example, gives [00:11:00] misinformation, you know, and it does not tell the truth. And that's a big concern, especially for a brand who are employing, who are deploying a custom AI chatbot, for example, on their websites, they need to sleep at night knowing that the chatbot is going to stick to the scripts and not go off.

James: So a lot of these issues have been raised due to the vast amounts of data that is available. LLM's large language models have been trained on. And you know, with this, not only comes the concern around hallucinations, but also around toxicity and biases. And I think this is a very understandable situation, because at the end of the day, whichever data has been fed into the large language model to train it, will be a direct representation of the output from the large language model.

James: So what we've done at Dante AI from day one is have a absolute core offering within our products, which will give you complete control over the data that your AI solution [00:12:00] will reference, whether that's your AI chatbot, your custom AI avatar, etc. What we do at Dante AI is we ring fence your data. And this ensures that the questions that you ask will only be presented with an answer that is from the data you have specifically uploaded to the product.

James: So, you know, tying this in with all of our, I'd say absolute bare essential and necessities around data privacy and security, you know, from encryption to where we house our data, etc, you know, it's more than just making sure we're doing the bare minimum here. It's giving our clients and our customers absolute confidence that we as a team are looking around a corner to see vulnerabilities before they come.

James: And I think, you know, what we've done so far in terms of allowing our users to ring fence their data. has actually helped massively. So, you know, as a team, if we can continue to [00:13:00] be obsessed with data, privacy, and security, because we know our whole business essentially relies on our reputation around that, then we can pass this on to our users to give them peace of mind in terms of when they are engaging with a product such as Dante AI, that they have.

James: our whole team with their interests in mind to ensure that we are continuously ahead of the curb when it comes to any kind of potential, you know, misuse or biases or, you know, mitigating the risk of hallucinations through all of our products. But I think it's a very fair concern and I think it's, it's, it's something that You know, I would expect to be brought up on every single call that I have with, with new customers and new clients and new users of Dante AI.

James: And rightly so, you know, we should be asking these questions and we should be making sure that we are only using technology that we feel completely safe [00:14:00] and secure in using because at the end of the day, it is not just us. It is our brands and our company's reputation that is on the line here. 

Nadiyah: Yeah, I agree.

Nadiyah: Um, like you said, it's split between people who like to use the tools and people are still concerned about using them. And like you said, it's important to talk about these concerns, and I feel like you need to learn more about it so people can understand it. So thank you for explaining it from a Dante AI perspective.

Nadiyah: So, how does Dante AI ensure transparency and accountability in its AI systems to build trust with its users and stakeholders? 

James: Yeah, great question. You know, transparency and accountability really Is this the, the foundations of what we do here, because if we do not have those, then we do not have a company that people can rely on to host their data and also provide hyper personalized experiences that are not controlled.

James: You know, when I say that, I [00:15:00] mean, two people could engage with a Dante AI solution and AI chatbot or an AI avatar and have two completely different experiences. So we have to ensure that both of those experiences. will always sit within the guardrails of the brand and of the company. Um, and this is very important to us.

James: So I think, you know, since we launched Dante AI, we have always been extremely obsessed with, um, talking to our customers. And I think this has actually proven to be a very positive move for us when it comes down to accountability. And, you know, reassurances with our users, we, we are in a very aggressive markets and there are new AI products and solutions appearing every single day.

James: Um, there are also many AI products and solutions who are vanishing every single day. And, you know, I think for a user to start using a new service provider, such as Dante AI, [00:16:00] you know, we need to make sure that they see and they believe and they understand that, you know, we are a company with sustainable foundations and a robust roadmap and, you know, the infrastructure to get there.

James: And I think a lot of that reassurance is, can come from, um, Me and my team talking to our users and talking to our prospects, um, as human beings, and, you know, not hiding behind a website, not hiding behind email. Um, and taking as many calls as, as possible, you know, when we take a call or when we meet a client or a prospect at Dante AI, it is a fantastic opportunity for us to learn more about the user and to, you know, really gauge a deeper understanding of their needs and their concerns and the problems they are facing.

James: So we can then attempt to help them resolve those. But from the user side, you know, it also gives them an insight into us as a company and who we are. And, you know, [00:17:00] we try and instill that confidence in them that if they do start working with Dante AI that not only will they have a great experience with the product itself, but our team are always here to help and support.

James: And we've seen this over and over, you know, we have a very standard way of contacting us via a support email and our team will, you know, get back to people, um, you know, Basically straight away to let them know that we are looking into whatever issue or question they've, they've raised. But then we also have other forms of, of contacting us, whether that's through a Discord community channel with, you know, many users in who are actively talking about Dante ai, the product, and asking me and the team questions, you know, as they wish.

James: And we, we are very active in this community. But then I think also, you know, having face-to-face conversations. With users and, and, and saying to them, you know, you know, we are here and we are here to support [00:18:00] you and we are here to help you. And I think the more a user can feel that support and security, it's less about worrying so much directly about the product itself.

James: You know, it's, this is artificial intelligence. It's, you know, a relatively new industry in terms of the mass adoption that has happened over this last several years. And there is, um, you know, gigantic moves forward at breakneck speed. So I think our users need to just have that reassurance that everyone on Dante AI's side, um, you know, is working for them and working with them.

James: and will, you know, continuously remain at their disposal as they need it. So, you know, the more we build this up with users, the more they feel confident in us and our abilities to help them solve their problems and also see around corners. To ensure that they are using the most robust, secure platform that is available [00:19:00] at that time.

Nadiyah: Absolutely, it's super important. Um, we're running out of time and there's a lot more things we can dive into. My last question is, how will Dante AI evolve in the next 5 to 10 years to meet the changing demands of AI integration in the workplace? And what proactive steps should companies take to prepare for AI's impact?

James: Yeah, we have a very robust roadmap at dante AI. Um, and there's so much happening every single day that we wake up. It's a very exciting time to be, you know, in an industry that has so much attention, so many resources being poured into it. And it's, you know, for us, getting out of bed every day is an absolute joy because we think that There are new opportunities every day and how we can make our product better, how we can serve our customers better.

James: Um, you know, one of the big [00:20:00] parts of Dante AI that we are, we are starting to unlock day by day is really around the idea of, you know, artificial intelligence, general gen, generative artificial intelligence, being less reactive and being more proactive. And I think, you know, AI can do a tremendous job currently of automating tasks.

James: And reacting to a user's input, um, it does that very well, okay. But how can the AI start seeing around corners and how can it be used to actually make valuable predictions in the next potential direction of, you know, the user's engagement or, or that, or that journey. So I think the more we learn, the more that our product is exposed and, you know, used in, in, in different industries and different models and For different, you know business use cases.

James: We are gaining a deeper understanding of how we can then implement [00:21:00] This, um, you know, semi consciousness and I would say very proactive understanding of the types of engagements that Dante AI solutions are having. And, you know, if we compare this with the ability to read emotional cues on a deeper level, then, you know, we are going to really start exponentially seeing an increase in productivity and efficiency from tools such as Dante AI.

James: Um, you know, I think it's very clear that The big LLMs currently, whether that's OpenAI's GPT or whether that's, you know, Claude's Opus or Sonnet, etc. There is also a suite of very powerful open source LLMs, Llama Free, Mistral, Falcon, etc. Um, you know, what we can achieve with these large language models now is nothing short of mind blowing.

James: So To think where this technology may be in six months, 12 months [00:22:00] onwards, um, is very exciting to think about. And, you know, I think we are in a great position now where the adoption of artificial tools, such as dante AI has been so aggressive and is moving at such breakneck speed. We are able to have a very quick and short feedback loop in order to improve the products in, you know, very quick iteration.

James: So from our side, you know, innovation is really where the heart of Dante AI lies. Um, with the recent rollout of our custom AI voices and our custom AI avatars. We are now absolutely focusing on, okay, how do we make each of these products more efficient, more productive, more of more value to the end user, whether that's by, um, you know, consumption reduction via the use of, you know, several smarts strategies in terms of the LLM that is being called.

James: And if we can pass on these cost savings to our users, we will essentially be part of an [00:23:00] economy. That is absolutely, you know, a no brainer for, for, for anyone who was on the fence about, um, coming into, into the world of AI and having an AI transformation within their company. So, you know, there's a lot going on.

James: There's, there's, there's never a dull day here, but. If you were to ask me this question 12 months ago and I was to say, Hey, I think we're going to be exactly where we are now. Not a chance. You know, things are moving very quickly and we are following the 10 lines you with a hawk's eye and just, you know, having a great time talking to all of our users and clients about You know, what would they like to see next and how we can help them on their journey.

Nadiyah: I'm looking forward to seeing your new website and the new features you locked with Dante AI. I think it's very cool time to be here and have these tools obviously help productivity, creativity and more. And like you said, learning is key and understanding how we use these tools to make sure we're using them for the right thing in the right ways.

Nadiyah: Um, could you please share where people connect with you and the team and where our viewers can learn [00:24:00] more about Dante AI? 

James: Thank you so much. It's been an absolute pleasure. Um, thank you to everyone who's tuned in as well If anyone would like to create their own free custom AI chatbot trained on their data, then please do head to dante-ai.

James: com. Um, you can get started for free. Just click on build an AI chatbot for free, jump in, have fun. And if you need anything at any time, please do reach out to myself, the team. We're all on LinkedIn. We're all on Discord. Um, you can contact us via email on the website as well. We're Always happy to talk, um, so please do give us a shout if you have any questions or just want to have a general chat.

Nadiyah: Please do contact Dante AI and try it out and reach out to their team. I love using Dante AI and I've told my friends to use it, so I do recommend it. For anyone who wants to learn more about hundo, at and if you want to chat to me and contact me, connect with me on LinkedIn, Nadiyah [00:25:00] Rajabally thank you so much for your time today, James.

Nadiyah: I feel honoured to be interviewing today and I I look forward to working with you and the Dante AI team soon. And I look forward to seeing all your cool new features. All these videos will be available on demand at to learn more. And I hope you enjoy the rest of the day. of our event., bye.

James: Thank you so much.


Nadiyah: [00:00:00] Hi, everyone, and welcome to another interview for our CareerCon Monthly. I'm Nadiyah, Head of Marketing at hundo, and I'm here with the wonderful James Martin, CEO and co founder of Dante AI, and we're going to be diving into AI and the workforce, innovation insights from Dante AI. James, it's lovely to have you, and thank you for taking the time to join us today.

Nadiyah: Please could you introduce yourself? 

James: Hey, hundo. It's great to be here. Thank you so much for having me. My name is James Martin, and I'm the CEO and co founder of Dante AI. At Dante AI, we welcome AI simplicity to all of our users, and we empower our users to create the brands of tomorrow by implementing hyper personalized AI experiences through custom AI chatbots trained on your data, custom AI voice, and also Dante AI 3D avatars.

Nadiyah: I'm super excited to be interviewing today and hearing the thoughts on how AI is [00:01:00] impacting the world of work. So how did the idea of Dante AI originate and what inspired you to create this platform? 

James: So the initial idea for Dante AI very much came about from a problem that I kept seeing over and over again.

James: And the problem was always around companies having large amounts of data, but very inefficient ways of retrieving parts of that data that were needed at the time. And I kept seeing this over and over again. And if you take a, you know, a relatively standard organization, let's say there's a 500 person headcount across 10 offices.

James: Well, there might be data stored in many different places, whether that's on servers, whether that's within the cloud, whether that's on people's hard drives in different countries. So for someone to try and find the right information in an efficient way was a manual task essentially. And, you know, With the introduction of generative AI, it became very apparent to us that we could utilize this technology to help with this issue.

James: So Ilya and myself, Ilya was my co founder at [00:02:00] Dante AI. We set about creating a proof of concept that essentially would take a document and power the document via. An LLM, a large language model, and be able to search the information within that document nearly instantaneously and deliver results, um, to a very high accuracy.

James: And I think the thing that really made this attractive and, you know, feel, you know, very magical is the way that you could engage with the LLM in natural language. And I think this is a real step forward for, for everyone, because, you know, You know, no longer were we in the space of introducing very complicated technology to people that required a high level of expertise to use and understand this was, you know, very much.

James: Um, if you can, if you can speak, if you can write, if you can type, um, you can engage with this product and you can engage and you can gain tremendous value from it. So, you [00:03:00] know, having that accessibility was very important to us because. With the mass adoption of generative AI across the world, it's so clear that this isn't just technical users who are using platforms like Dante AI.

James: So from day one, we made it very, um, you know, very important to us that anyone using our platform with any level of expertise can come on and they can have a great experience and create a custom AI solution in literally minutes, um, and have it white labeled and deployed on their website with a few clicks.

James: So, you know, from that initial idea, we've obviously evolved, we've slightly pivoted, we've very much listened to our users across, you know, the time that we've been, um, in the market. And a lot of our users have adopted our AI chatbots for different uses compared to the initial idea of an internal product that would help a company find information in its own internal servers.

James: And people are [00:04:00] using Dante AI now to, you know, create their brand of the future that has AI as an integral, integral part of their, of their stack. So a lot of our users are creating custom AI chatbots that are trained on their data and they are employing these on their website as, you know, a customer service representative, let's say.

James: Um, with the addition of, you know, several of our latest features and products, such as custom AI voice and custom 3D AI avatars, we've really taken that level of hyper personalization up a notch because, you know, people very much understand how AI chatbots work now and that's fantastic. But what's the next step?

James: You know, and we truly believe that comes from an Omni experience, which encompasses not just text, but also voice and visuals in the form of 3D advertising. 

Nadiyah: I personally love using Dante AI and it's great to hear the story behind why you created it because I feel like what you said we have so much data [00:05:00] and I feel like so many people are overwhelmed with that and we just don't know what to do with it so having obviously a tool like Dante AI really does help with data and speed up the process.

Nadiyah: I have told my friends to use Dante AI because I do feel like it helps with productivity at work and stuff and I know that the team at hundo love using Dante especially because we're so So how does Dante AI help companies integrate AI technologies with human workers to enhance productivity and foster innovation?

Nadiyah: And what are some of its key benefits? 

James: So Dante AI's products will instantly help to increase productivity within a company and help people focus on other areas of the business, such as, you know, innovation. Um, due to there being a substantial time saving when a product such as a Dante AI chatbot is introduced to a company's outgoing communication strategy.

James: Now, the [00:06:00] easy part is creating the custom AI solution, let's say an AI chatbot in this instance, because a product like Dante is extremely easy to use, it's extremely intuitive, There is no code and very non technical users can get to grips with it in, in minutes. What we try and talk with our users around is all about what happens after we've created the AI product, the custom AI chatbot, the solution and implemented it.

James: Because really that's when the magic begins. And, you know, this is what we could call day one in that when we introduce an AI solution such as a custom AI chatbot onto our website for our company to help Answer FAQs and and be there to support our users Well, you know, let's just understand what's happening here Yes, of course the AI chatbot is helping a user find the information they need very quickly [00:07:00] But this is a two way street because we are also Connecting with those users in a much deeper way, we can access, you know, deeper connections with these users through the power of custom AI solutions, such as an AI chat bot.

James: When we start to look at the data that is generated from the AI chat bot, and it's this data which will really give us a clear, clearer insights into how our, uh, What customers are thinking, the problems they are facing, and if there are any gaps in our knowledge that the AI is referencing to help out these users.

James: So it's this whole idea around a symbiotic intelligence. And there are two parts to this, of course, one being humans and one being artificial intelligence. So, you know, when we are talking with, with, with new users, with existing users of [00:08:00] Dante AI. It's very much, um, we try and share our understanding of, you know, we can't just create a fantastic AI chat bots and put it on our website and forget about it.

James: That will obviously provide positive results, but we need to really capitalize on this opportunity here that we have with this technology. And what that means for us here at Dante AI is all around Forming these deep connections with our end users to allow us to then make much more informed decisions as we move forward.

James: So, you know, whether you are using Dante AI to create a custom AI chatbot for your brand or a custom AI avatar to visually represent your brand, you know, it's what's happening behind the scenes. It's what's happening in terms of the data that we are receiving. From the end users of the product, which we [00:09:00] can then take on as a team of humans to understand in a more deeper way.

James: And if we can take that, we can then make the artificial intelligence more intelligent and more aligned with our brand and our values to then obviously be able to connect even deeper with the end users of the products. So. Humans and artificial intelligence, it really is a hybrid workforce at the moment.

James: And it is a continuous feedback loop between the two to help each other improve. And become more efficient and foster innovation. 

Nadiyah: Yeah, I definitely agree. And yeah, I feel like a lot of people don't actually realize how it works and that it actually works two ways. And I really liked the way you explained how it works and given the inside of the behind the scenes, cause it's really important to understand the process behind these tools.

Nadiyah: Also, it does take a lot of work behind the scenes. Obviously make tools like Dante AI and [00:10:00] Chatbot and you need both the human element and obviously the tech to make the best product. And like you said, you need to make a product that benefits everyone. So can you discuss some of the potential risks related to integrate AI in the workplace, and obviously how Dante AI reduces these risk and what strategies is used?

Nadiyah: to manage this. I think 

James: as with all technologies, especially all new technologies, there will always be risks associated with implementing this within a workplace. And it's been an interesting narrative because day in, day out, we hear that artificial intelligence is the number one priority for CEOs globally.

James: And then in the same breath, we hear that AI is the biggest concern for CEOs globally. And this is because of the risk of hallucinations. And a hallucination is when a generative AI, let's take an AI chatbot, for example, gives [00:11:00] misinformation, you know, and it does not tell the truth. And that's a big concern, especially for a brand who are employing, who are deploying a custom AI chatbot, for example, on their websites, they need to sleep at night knowing that the chatbot is going to stick to the scripts and not go off.

James: So a lot of these issues have been raised due to the vast amounts of data that is available. LLM's large language models have been trained on. And you know, with this, not only comes the concern around hallucinations, but also around toxicity and biases. And I think this is a very understandable situation, because at the end of the day, whichever data has been fed into the large language model to train it, will be a direct representation of the output from the large language model.

James: So what we've done at Dante AI from day one is have a absolute core offering within our products, which will give you complete control over the data that your AI solution [00:12:00] will reference, whether that's your AI chatbot, your custom AI avatar, etc. What we do at Dante AI is we ring fence your data. And this ensures that the questions that you ask will only be presented with an answer that is from the data you have specifically uploaded to the product.

James: So, you know, tying this in with all of our, I'd say absolute bare essential and necessities around data privacy and security, you know, from encryption to where we house our data, etc, you know, it's more than just making sure we're doing the bare minimum here. It's giving our clients and our customers absolute confidence that we as a team are looking around a corner to see vulnerabilities before they come.

James: And I think, you know, what we've done so far in terms of allowing our users to ring fence their data. has actually helped massively. So, you know, as a team, if we can continue to [00:13:00] be obsessed with data, privacy, and security, because we know our whole business essentially relies on our reputation around that, then we can pass this on to our users to give them peace of mind in terms of when they are engaging with a product such as Dante AI, that they have.

James: our whole team with their interests in mind to ensure that we are continuously ahead of the curb when it comes to any kind of potential, you know, misuse or biases or, you know, mitigating the risk of hallucinations through all of our products. But I think it's a very fair concern and I think it's, it's, it's something that You know, I would expect to be brought up on every single call that I have with, with new customers and new clients and new users of Dante AI.

James: And rightly so, you know, we should be asking these questions and we should be making sure that we are only using technology that we feel completely safe [00:14:00] and secure in using because at the end of the day, it is not just us. It is our brands and our company's reputation that is on the line here. 

Nadiyah: Yeah, I agree.

Nadiyah: Um, like you said, it's split between people who like to use the tools and people are still concerned about using them. And like you said, it's important to talk about these concerns, and I feel like you need to learn more about it so people can understand it. So thank you for explaining it from a Dante AI perspective.

Nadiyah: So, how does Dante AI ensure transparency and accountability in its AI systems to build trust with its users and stakeholders? 

James: Yeah, great question. You know, transparency and accountability really Is this the, the foundations of what we do here, because if we do not have those, then we do not have a company that people can rely on to host their data and also provide hyper personalized experiences that are not controlled.

James: You know, when I say that, I [00:15:00] mean, two people could engage with a Dante AI solution and AI chatbot or an AI avatar and have two completely different experiences. So we have to ensure that both of those experiences. will always sit within the guardrails of the brand and of the company. Um, and this is very important to us.

James: So I think, you know, since we launched Dante AI, we have always been extremely obsessed with, um, talking to our customers. And I think this has actually proven to be a very positive move for us when it comes down to accountability. And, you know, reassurances with our users, we, we are in a very aggressive markets and there are new AI products and solutions appearing every single day.

James: Um, there are also many AI products and solutions who are vanishing every single day. And, you know, I think for a user to start using a new service provider, such as Dante AI, [00:16:00] you know, we need to make sure that they see and they believe and they understand that, you know, we are a company with sustainable foundations and a robust roadmap and, you know, the infrastructure to get there.

James: And I think a lot of that reassurance is, can come from, um, Me and my team talking to our users and talking to our prospects, um, as human beings, and, you know, not hiding behind a website, not hiding behind email. Um, and taking as many calls as, as possible, you know, when we take a call or when we meet a client or a prospect at Dante AI, it is a fantastic opportunity for us to learn more about the user and to, you know, really gauge a deeper understanding of their needs and their concerns and the problems they are facing.

James: So we can then attempt to help them resolve those. But from the user side, you know, it also gives them an insight into us as a company and who we are. And, you know, [00:17:00] we try and instill that confidence in them that if they do start working with Dante AI that not only will they have a great experience with the product itself, but our team are always here to help and support.

James: And we've seen this over and over, you know, we have a very standard way of contacting us via a support email and our team will, you know, get back to people, um, you know, Basically straight away to let them know that we are looking into whatever issue or question they've, they've raised. But then we also have other forms of, of contacting us, whether that's through a Discord community channel with, you know, many users in who are actively talking about Dante ai, the product, and asking me and the team questions, you know, as they wish.

James: And we, we are very active in this community. But then I think also, you know, having face-to-face conversations. With users and, and, and saying to them, you know, you know, we are here and we are here to support [00:18:00] you and we are here to help you. And I think the more a user can feel that support and security, it's less about worrying so much directly about the product itself.

James: You know, it's, this is artificial intelligence. It's, you know, a relatively new industry in terms of the mass adoption that has happened over this last several years. And there is, um, you know, gigantic moves forward at breakneck speed. So I think our users need to just have that reassurance that everyone on Dante AI's side, um, you know, is working for them and working with them.

James: and will, you know, continuously remain at their disposal as they need it. So, you know, the more we build this up with users, the more they feel confident in us and our abilities to help them solve their problems and also see around corners. To ensure that they are using the most robust, secure platform that is available [00:19:00] at that time.

Nadiyah: Absolutely, it's super important. Um, we're running out of time and there's a lot more things we can dive into. My last question is, how will Dante AI evolve in the next 5 to 10 years to meet the changing demands of AI integration in the workplace? And what proactive steps should companies take to prepare for AI's impact?

James: Yeah, we have a very robust roadmap at dante AI. Um, and there's so much happening every single day that we wake up. It's a very exciting time to be, you know, in an industry that has so much attention, so many resources being poured into it. And it's, you know, for us, getting out of bed every day is an absolute joy because we think that There are new opportunities every day and how we can make our product better, how we can serve our customers better.

James: Um, you know, one of the big [00:20:00] parts of Dante AI that we are, we are starting to unlock day by day is really around the idea of, you know, artificial intelligence, general gen, generative artificial intelligence, being less reactive and being more proactive. And I think, you know, AI can do a tremendous job currently of automating tasks.

James: And reacting to a user's input, um, it does that very well, okay. But how can the AI start seeing around corners and how can it be used to actually make valuable predictions in the next potential direction of, you know, the user's engagement or, or that, or that journey. So I think the more we learn, the more that our product is exposed and, you know, used in, in, in different industries and different models and For different, you know business use cases.

James: We are gaining a deeper understanding of how we can then implement [00:21:00] This, um, you know, semi consciousness and I would say very proactive understanding of the types of engagements that Dante AI solutions are having. And, you know, if we compare this with the ability to read emotional cues on a deeper level, then, you know, we are going to really start exponentially seeing an increase in productivity and efficiency from tools such as Dante AI.

James: Um, you know, I think it's very clear that The big LLMs currently, whether that's OpenAI's GPT or whether that's, you know, Claude's Opus or Sonnet, etc. There is also a suite of very powerful open source LLMs, Llama Free, Mistral, Falcon, etc. Um, you know, what we can achieve with these large language models now is nothing short of mind blowing.

James: So To think where this technology may be in six months, 12 months [00:22:00] onwards, um, is very exciting to think about. And, you know, I think we are in a great position now where the adoption of artificial tools, such as dante AI has been so aggressive and is moving at such breakneck speed. We are able to have a very quick and short feedback loop in order to improve the products in, you know, very quick iteration.

James: So from our side, you know, innovation is really where the heart of Dante AI lies. Um, with the recent rollout of our custom AI voices and our custom AI avatars. We are now absolutely focusing on, okay, how do we make each of these products more efficient, more productive, more of more value to the end user, whether that's by, um, you know, consumption reduction via the use of, you know, several smarts strategies in terms of the LLM that is being called.

James: And if we can pass on these cost savings to our users, we will essentially be part of an [00:23:00] economy. That is absolutely, you know, a no brainer for, for, for anyone who was on the fence about, um, coming into, into the world of AI and having an AI transformation within their company. So, you know, there's a lot going on.

James: There's, there's, there's never a dull day here, but. If you were to ask me this question 12 months ago and I was to say, Hey, I think we're going to be exactly where we are now. Not a chance. You know, things are moving very quickly and we are following the 10 lines you with a hawk's eye and just, you know, having a great time talking to all of our users and clients about You know, what would they like to see next and how we can help them on their journey.

Nadiyah: I'm looking forward to seeing your new website and the new features you locked with Dante AI. I think it's very cool time to be here and have these tools obviously help productivity, creativity and more. And like you said, learning is key and understanding how we use these tools to make sure we're using them for the right thing in the right ways.

Nadiyah: Um, could you please share where people connect with you and the team and where our viewers can learn [00:24:00] more about Dante AI? 

James: Thank you so much. It's been an absolute pleasure. Um, thank you to everyone who's tuned in as well If anyone would like to create their own free custom AI chatbot trained on their data, then please do head to dante-ai.

James: com. Um, you can get started for free. Just click on build an AI chatbot for free, jump in, have fun. And if you need anything at any time, please do reach out to myself, the team. We're all on LinkedIn. We're all on Discord. Um, you can contact us via email on the website as well. We're Always happy to talk, um, so please do give us a shout if you have any questions or just want to have a general chat.

Nadiyah: Please do contact Dante AI and try it out and reach out to their team. I love using Dante AI and I've told my friends to use it, so I do recommend it. For anyone who wants to learn more about hundo, at and if you want to chat to me and contact me, connect with me on LinkedIn, Nadiyah [00:25:00] Rajabally thank you so much for your time today, James.

Nadiyah: I feel honoured to be interviewing today and I I look forward to working with you and the Dante AI team soon. And I look forward to seeing all your cool new features. All these videos will be available on demand at to learn more. And I hope you enjoy the rest of the day. of our event., bye.

James: Thank you so much.

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