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Data-Powered Fashion: Unveiling the Secrets to Digital Fashion with Rinat Homossany Perry and Nadiyah Rajabally

Uncover digital fashion secrets with Rinat Homossany Perry and Nadiyah Rajabally! Explore Nak3D's impact and data-driven solutions. Learn data analysis's role in enhancing customer experiences and sustainability efforts. Discover strategies for reaching new consumers, leveraging g-commerce, and shaping the industry's future. Gain insights into in-demand skills, career paths, and personalised fashion experiences.

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Hi everyone. I'm Nadiyah, head of marketing at hundo, and I'm here with Rinat and we are here to talk about data powered fashion, unveiling the secrets to digital fashion success. Rinat, do you wanna introduce yourself?


Hi, my name is Rinat and I'm from Nak3D. Um, yeah, I've been in the fashion industry for a really long time, and then in the, you know, tech, tech part of the fashion industry, so I'm very excited to be here.


Can you provide an overview of Nak3d's role and activities in the digital fashion space and how the company's making an unique impact? Yeah. Uh, 


Well, Nak3d is actually bridging between the two worlds of, uh, virtual and fashion. Uh, what we do, we take, uh, fashion, uh, designs and uh, uh, you know, fashion collections that are coming out and we make them game ready for the games.

Uh, the idea is really not only to convert them, but put the metadata and enable gamers to buy them straight from the game, uh, and help the fashion brands test the collections before manufacturing. So see what's working, uh, see which, uh, uh, combinations are, are more popular or trending. And, you know, this is really to bring a more sustainable, uh, effort into the fashion industry, and it helps the gaming industry have a rich offering for the gamers.



Yeah. Super cool. Cause obviously in digital fashion, in incorporate a lot of gaming. Yeah. It's really cool. So how does Nak3d leverage data to enhance their digital fashion solutions and improve customer experiences? 


Well, the fun part about gaming is, uh, when you choose Avatar, everybody chooses their own style, right?

Everybody has their own avatar. Um, sometimes it's not who we really are in the physical world. Sometimes it's like this whole different persona. So, Um, but the cool thing about this is that we don't just, um, buy an item, right? Like we do in e-commerce. We buy a whole look an outfit. And this is a lot of, uh, data that the brands don't have today.

Cause an e-commerce, even in the store, when you go shopping in store or in e-commerce, same, you buy items, but it's not, they don't know if you're wearing them together. But in gaming, in virtual worlds, they know what people are pairing up. So they can understand, you know, what colors are trending now, um, what colors are what not to manufacture, cuz it's not really happening and people are not responding to those collaborations or the, so I think that's, that's the most important part of the data.

It's the metadata behind the creation and behind the, the making the collections game ready. It's not just converting like a lot of, uh, Companies are doing today, it's okay. You're converting it into games, but you have to learn, um, what the gamers want. How are they dressing their avatars? Why are they doing that?

Different demographic, different games. That's a lot of data that is very crucial to really bring a more sustainable, uh, industry and more sustainable, uh, aspect to the fashion brands. 


Yeah, definitely. And it's so interesting cause there's so many different styles out there, a lot of creators doing different things.

And with the avatar you can really use self-expression like hundo we use Ready Player Me. And the, each of the team have their own avatar and they obviously express themselves. My one's like got a warrior outfit, so I've got swords and everything, so, yeah. No, it's really cool. That's really cool. Um, how does the analyst data in digital fashion help brands and creators understand which item preferred together in different virtual environments, and how can they leverage with this knowledge and enhance customer experiences?


Well, it really depends on the fashion brand, right? Every game is a different demographic.  Um, if we're talking about Fortnite or if we're talking about, um, you know, there's so many games out there, Roblox, um, those, these are the popular ones. There are also, you know, the ones that are really for gamers that are playing and not really social.

So I think the brands need to understand, first of all, you know, what their demographic is and only then they can. Really understand how, how they can monetize it. So they can see there that, let's say in Roblox, if you have a, let's go the simplest way, right? If they have a T-shirt, so in Roblox most likely will be like with Vans

or Nike or Adidas, right? They will wear it more like sport casual. But if you take it into Fortnite, it's like what you said, it's fun, it's warriors, right? So they will put more like, um, Like more of the t-shirt with like costumes or, I don't know, leather pants or, you know, it could be like with, with the swords, you take it to a different, it's a totally different style.

And then if you go to Call of Duty, maybe it's like more, you know, like, uh, military style or, so this is something the brands can see with different demographics, how people are creating different looks. And uh, this is really strong data. 


Definitely. Yeah. And obviously like with brands like, um, Gucci, Burberry, tapping in, you can get like a Gucci bag, you can get like Nike trainers.

So it's very interesting having all those incorporate into the gaming life as well. Um, in what ways can digital fashion be utilised to test collections, demographics beforehand contribute to sustainability effects and in the, in the fashion industry?


Well, you know, one of the funny things is most of the games are very, um, male-centric, right?

Um, and I think one of the reasons is because you don't put any, the fashion industry is not there yet. So think about, I don't know, what's the, I'm thinking about a really like male even, uh, okay. Let's say Call of Duty, right? It's kind of like, it's very hard, like hard game. I would say, but what if you had a Valentino dress there, like a red Valentino dress that you can wear?

You think how many female gamers would go into that game? I would say then exactly. You know what I mean? So think about it, it's like you can really use digital fashion to, to bring in a whole new demographic for a game. Um, you just, you just need to want to do that cuz a lot of the avatars in these games are not.

Females don't feel very comfortable with them and you know, but you can just change it with a bit of bringing digital fashion in and then you can monetize it by, you know, if you're now wearing this beautiful, let's say not Valentino, cuz not a lot of people can afford a Valentino dress, but you know, you can like wear the Valentino dress and then uh, buy it.

I dunno if in Zara, if they have something similar, cuz usually they do. Right? It's not a Valentino dress, but it's similar. Um, not quite similar. Yeah. But yeah. But you know what I mean. I mean, you can use digital fashion to change the demographic of the game if you want to. Um, it's, it's very, very strong and, uh, the gaming industry has to be more open to bringing fashion designs, um, to their, uh, platforms.

And then it will bring a new demographic, new audience, new gamers, and I think that that could be pretty cool. 


No, definitely. Like you said, if I could have like a Burberry outfit or Valentino dress, I would definitely play like Call of Duty and everything. That'd be so cool. Yeah, it'll be so cool having like angel wings and everything, having, like, you can see, um, with Ready Player Me, um, they did a collab with Vogue and you could get like vogue outfits and go on the runway and stuff.

And obviously that's more appealing. And me and my colleagues, female colleagues, we really loved that. Whereas when it came to like, um, the more plain outfits, we didn't really like that much. So yeah, I definitely agree, when it comes to you talking about. Having more of a female audience if you have like dresses and outfits and like for big brands like that and especially like young people who are still learning and getting into the space, like they can then express themselves as well cuz there's a lot of young creators out there.


So yeah, I think it's really good, you know, but even with Ready Player Me, that you can wear all these items, but a lot of times, at least in my case, when I play a game and I have this very cool skin, I really wanna buy it. I wanna wear an life. You know what I mean? Yeah. And you can't do it. I mean, it's not possible today.

And with Nak3d, you could actually, you know, buy straight from the game. And that's what we're working at. It's really bringing social media and e-commerce together, colliding them together into games. And I think that would really change the whole, uh, shopping experience in these worlds. 


Definitely. So with the rise of obviously digital fashion, the shift towards skin shopping, how do you see the future of the industry evolving away from the physical realm?


Oh, I don't think it'll go away. They're just colliding. I mean, like we said, right? It's a way to test. So even if now you're playing a game, uh, you can wear all these crazy combinations that you would never have the guts to wear in real life. Uh, and your friends will go, Hey, that's pretty cool. So you'll say, great.

So I'm gonna go buy it. I'm gonna go today. You know, I have this lunch, I'm gonna wear it. It gives you the confidence to test things that you wouldn't do in real life. I don't think people will stop shopping. I'm hoping the fashion brands would will use this as a testing round before manufacturing. I think that's a place where it will change the physical realm.

Um, it will give a, a space for the fashion brands to be more sustainable and not just manufacture, but understand the demand, understand, you know, uh, what's trending and only then really, uh, manufacture. So I think that would be an impact. But on us as consumers, I think we'll keep buying physical clothes, but we'll just.

We'll have the opportunity to test things before we buy, so maybe, you know, we'll, we'll buy, we'll shop smarter more efficiently. That's for sure. 


Yeah, at one point that you said like, um, shopping more smartly and being able to try these items on, um, cause obviously right now a few that you get, you get like Mac makeup, a few makeup brands where you can test the lipstick beforehand and they use AR and like filters.

Do you think more brands in the retail space, we'll start doing that more cuz not a lot really do it. I know that Pandora does jewelry where you can try it on beforehand. How do you see more that's more like augmented reality?


That. Yeah, absolutely. That's fun. I think that's really fun. But it's different when you're, when you're socialising with friends in virtual worlds, um, and then you really feel, I. You know, there is a connection between your avatar and the gamer. You're really immersed into this space. It's not like watching TV when you're, you know, you can watch TV and you're in the physical world here. You're really into the game. You usually, you can be hours in the games and you don't know what's going on.

You're, and this is even before, you know, uh, virtual glasses and all that. I mean, this is now when we're looking at a screen, but we're so immersed in this experience and I think I. When you're dressed there and even when you put makeup on your avatar, that's strong. But the problem makeup is, you know, it's your skin colour.

It's a bit different. It has to be augmented. Um, it could be fun in the game, but I think with clothes you could really the test it on the avatars. Cuz think about it, most of the time the clothes at the clothes, it's not about how it fits us. It's a combination. It's how we style it. That's what defines us.

Um, You know, and the sizing, that's a different, that's a different use case. So then augmented reality could go into the sizing and then you can see if, if it, if it fits, like really tight or loose. But you creating your style, your unique style, what goes with what the combinations, that's things you could play, uh, you know, in gaming.

And I think that's where, uh, that's the difference between clothes and uh, makeup. In the gaming world. 


Yeah, definitely. And so can you explain more about how Nak3d works? So I remember when we first met, you were telling me how you guys work with the designers beforehand to create these digital items, and then you then obviously put it, um, online and you sell them.

So what's the process behind it? Like how does it work?.  


So look the idea is that fashion, we already have a huge industry, right? Working to bring fashion to, uh, consumers, and they're pretty good. Uh, we all go and we buy if it's luxury, high Street, or, you know, uh, really smaller brands and we're saying, why not take those beautiful creations and bring them into games?

And then not just bringing into games as, you know, a digital, uh, Garment that you can just play with actually connecting, connecting it to the physical one. So I think that's what Nak3d, um, that's our specialty, connecting the physical with the digital. And also when we take the physical, we put, you know, every aspect and every element and every.

Every detail that the garment has. So it really would look exactly as the same as, uh, the physical one. And it has to be low poly, so it has to go into games. Cuz when you wanna do it in 3D for, you know, augmented and stuff, it's a bit easier. But when one, and it has to go into these virtual worlds, uh, there's a lot of technical issues that you have to address.

And that's where, uh, we are really good at. So we're able to do that. 

Nadiyah: So with the emergence of new sales channels and changing market landscapes, what strategies and approaches are being employed to adapt to these ship and reach a new generation of consumers? 


Yeah, so I think, uh, the new generation of consumers is really young now.

It's like gen Gen Alpha and Gen Z. Um, yeah, so. I think it's gonna bring a lot of new opportunities regarding, you know, um, sales, new sales channels and, uh, I mean, everything's gonna change. If it's gonna be where you could buy straight from the game and, you know, it comes to your house or you go to the shop and you can, uh, buy, you know, an item and you get the digital, the digital, um, twin for the game, I mean, It's, it's kind of, it's gonna change everything.

I mean, and Nak3d, we call it g-commerce, so it's game commerce. Um, it's, like I said, it's really colliding social and uh, and e-commerce together. So I think, uh, all the sales channels are really gonna change and bring new opportunities. And I think that's very exciting. 


Yeah, that is very exciting. I learned what g-commerce was, um, like you said.

Um, so how can brands and designers leverage the growth of g-commerce and digital fashion to provide unique, personalised experiences for their customers and create competitive edge in the market? 


Yeah, so I think the most important thing is understand their, their customers, their consumers understand which games they're playing at.

Um, that's the most important thing. I mean, a lot of brands are just creating their own games, luxury brands. Um, I don't think that is the case. I think that, I don't think that's the way to go. I think there are a lot of amazing games out there, uh, that already have a huge demographic of players. I think the.

The gaming industry wants to bring more, you know, a different set of demographics and not the traditional one. Like we said before, you know, more female, uh, playing the games. So you bring like very cool, um, you know, accessories and dresses and the things that we love and that's okay and nails and makeup and all that.

Um, it's most importantly is understanding your consumers. Um, and then you can understand which games are right for you. Um, and, you know, not being, like, being open for innovation and error. I mean, this is a whole new world. The metaverse, you know, it's just, it's not dead. It's actually, it's, it's here and it's gonna get, you know, a lot bigger and it's gonna be more immersive.

And you have to understand it's a whole different way of consumers to engage with your, with your collections and with your items. And you need to be open to that, and you need to talk, you know, to digital designers. Uh, you need to be open to talk to, uh, people from the gaming industry, understand what their pain points is, how you can bring in the fashion collections to these, uh, to these games.

Um, yeah, it's, you know, collaborations, I think it's the most important thing for now if they want to survive in this, uh, you know, like revolution and, and the change that's coming.  


So in the digital fashion industry, what type of jobs are there available and what specific skills are there in high demand for individuals looking to build a career, and where should they start?


Uh, well, I think today in the digital fashion industry, it would be skills like, uh, 3D modeling, uh, virtual design, software development, um, data analytics I think would be in, in like, High sought after, um, you know, expertise in gaming. I think even at being a gamer is something important. I mean, uh, you don't have to be a game developer, but playing the game, understanding the world, understanding how it works, I think that is very important.

Uh, digital marketing, you know, but again, I think, um, if you wanna be in this world, you have to. You have to play games, you know, any game. It doesn't have to be like any game. Try to understand how it works. Especially social games I think is very, very important. Uh, you know, and the regular, I think 3D artists, virtual fashion stylist, ux UI designer, I mean, all the regular stuff that you know.

Um, but yeah, it's basically understanding how these environments work. Uh, finding the game that you like and, uh, dressing your avatar, you know, seeing how, how you connect to the avatar, how it becomes like a part of you. Um, I think that's, that's the most important thing. Uh, I think they're gonna be, um, new jobs that we don't even know about. Um, especially now with AI coming in, I think everything's gonna change so, Just being part of this world is very important. 


Yeah, no, definitely. It'll be interesting for our viewers, especially our female viewers, on how you got into this space and like, yeah, just cuz obviously with me when I started in tech, there's not many.

Females in the tech industry, and even I didn't know I could like work in tech non-technical skills. So for all our viewers, young girls in schools are watching this, what advice would you give to them and explain how you got into this space? Yeah. First of all, 


I think computer science is all around us.

You know, we always think that computer science is for a very specific, uh, target of people, um, that they work usually in high tech or you know, all these startups. Uh, geeks, you know, writing code all day, but it's really not like that. It's all around us. I mean, computational thinking I think is something like, uh, that we encounter every day and you just need to go into this world.

You know, if we're talking specifically about virtual worlds and gaming, just start playing games, as I said. But if you wanna go into the tech industry, Um, just, just go, you know, just start. Everybody can do that. You don't have to be good at math or anything else. You just need to, to give it a shot. Learn, be open to learning new things, you know, saying if you don't know something, go.

I mean, today we've got everything online. Seriously, you can learn everything on your own. Um, you know, and, and tech is not only coding. I mean, I learned coding, I did some coding. Uh, I hate it. You know, I don't have the ability to sit alone with the computer and, and create this, this beautiful art. I, I cannot do that.

I like talking to people. I like the more creative aspect. Um, so in tech you have the so much, you know, so much to give no matter what you. What your skillset is, but just don't be afraid. Go in and, uh, you know, seriously, everybody, anybody can do it depends what you're doing, right? I mean, not, not everybody can code cuz I think code is, is a skill, an art skill.

Um, you have to be very patient. You know, like, not everybody can design, but, uh, there are a lot of, a lot of jobs in, in the fashion industry that you can do. Um, and there are a lot of jobs in gaming today, and they're gonna be even more in the future cuz I believe everything's gonna come together. Like fashion and gaming, education and gaming.

Um, yeah, it's like, it's, it's really fun. You just have to take part of it. 


Yeah, no, definitely. Yeah. I do see a future where gaming is gonna be more involved. Cause I feel like obviously the education system is very boring and very like, Um, traditional, like books and everything, and I feel like it will change, especially since covid everything, using more online stuff and integrating game and making it more fun.

So tapping into the gaming side, how do you see gaming changing, like fashion and education, all these different things?


Yeah, I think, uh, in gaming you can be more creative, uh, especially than, uh, in real life, right? That if we take education or even fashion, Uh, you there is like, you cannot do a lot of things in the physical world, or you can, but it costs a lot of money.

Um, or you need to do a lot of, uh, tests, right? And that's something that usually, especially in big brands, you don't wanna test a lot cuz it costs money, right? Yeah. Everything has to be like, buy the book. Uh, that's why a lot of times they cannot be creative. Um, but if you. If you bring it into the gaming industry, you know, you can do anything you want.

I mean, that's the beauty. You have all these, if you were talking about education or if we're talking about fashion, um, or design doesn't have to be fashion, right? You can do whatever you want. You can test it. You can test, uh, Different combinations that you would never do in physical life. You can test different approaches in education that you won't do in life.

So I think that's what gaming is so important, our virtual world. Um, it, it, there are endless possibilities there and uh, it doesn't cost us much, right. If you're on the right platform. Uh, yeah. So I think, I think, and if you do it smart, cuz a lot of, a lot of brands today are all over. They don't know like, which, Which game is right for them.

So they put a lot of money into only Roblox. They put money only into only, um, you know, uh, call of Duty or different games. But they can really, if they choose the right company, right, they can really go into multiple worlds at the same time. Testing environment, seeing what's right for them. Understanding where the real demographic is.

Cuz this is Gen Alpha, they're not yet their, their consumers, right? Um, so this is a great way for them to tap in. I think, uh, definitely gaming is gonna be, you know, um, in, in all ages, not just, uh, gen alpha and Gen Z. Umm, not sure of that. I'm, I'm not talking about hyper games, right. On the phone of something like, like social games.

Yeah. Like really having an avatar, you know, dressing it up, going, meeting friends in virtual worlds. Yeah. That's kind of, uh, games. Yeah. 


Yeah, I know it's very interesting, obviously, like even in the workplace, like where sometimes we have meetings in like spatial and we're in our avatars and we're having meetings and stuff like that.

And even last year when we did the launch of CareerCon and we had um, our spatial gallery and we had people going in there, we had young people, we had, um, brands, employers all going in and talking to each other. So it is different. And thing with like virtual spaces is you can be anywhere in the world. And that's like the best part of it.

And I feel like you can be anywhere, even in gaming, you can be on the other side of the world, but you're talking to someone from here. So I feel like even communication, making friends is really good. And networking.


You know, funny what you said about, uh, what, what you just did, cuz in the Decentraland, I think it was last year when they had the fashion, the first fashion events that they did.

So I didn't have, I didn't wanna have, I have a wallet today, but I didn't wanna have a wallet back then. And then I couldn't buy cool clothes, so I was just walking there, you know, with this avatar wearing really ugly stuff. But, uh, now look, it's a virtual world. Nobody knows who I am, but I still want it to look good.

You know, it's like, it was a, it was this, uh, fashion week and everybody was there and there were beautiful clothes and I couldn't wear anything. And that was so frustrating. So this year I didn't even go cuz I was like, you know, if I can wear cool stuff and it shows you how, Important, you know, um, dressing up for social games is like what you said.

Now when you have work events, sometimes most of the time you wanna dress up, you wanna dress your avatar, you know, set the mood. Like if you're in dark mood, you wanna wear all black, like if it's summer. So you wanna be more like fun and, you know, so I think it's very important and, uh, and I think, you know, ready player, me and all, all that Avatar.

Platforms need to remember that. Um, there's this whole fashion industry that they can come in, tap in and really bring a lot of collections. I think it's very important  to understand.

Nadiyah:Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Like we've come, we've had meetings where people come in dressed as animals and like fairy costumes.

Yeah. Sometimes I'm like, who is this person? Cause we can't recognise them. But like you said, it's like a self-expression. You can come in as however you want and be whoever you want. And I think that's the best part of it. Um, cool. 


It's a nice gig. Yeah. 


So one of the things that you obviously spoke about is wallets, and that's one of the, like, that's also for me, like I, I've got a wallet now, but previously, like I wouldn't tap into these spaces cuz of the wallet and the payment and everything.

Do you think there's gonna be a world where we have different payment methods without the wallet when it comes to gaming and buying these things?


Yeah. Cuz now, you know, NFTs are not really working. Uh, people don't wanna have the, the wallets that are offered today, they need something simpler. It's really hard.

I mean, you're, you're talking about tapping into the tech industry, right? It's try tapping into the wallet industry you need. It's, it's, it's too difficult. You have to have things that are simple people, you know, uh, want things that are easy, um, that they're not, you know, safe. Safety is so important in these worlds.

I mean, it's, I think today is number one. Um, so yeah, I think it, it will change. It has to change. It's gonna be a lot easier. It's gonna be like, you know, it's gonna be like the, the PayPal. PayPal of Web three. Somebody's gonna create it. I hope not. Elon Musk. Cause Yeah. You know, and then from PayPal it's gonna be even easier and easier, right.

People, if people, everybody was wild. So, but today you can pay. Seamlessly. Right. Um, so I guess that's what's gonna happen. I'm sure. But, 


Something interesting that you said, so any like employers and brands that are watching this, so you spoke about how, um, making sure that they find the perfect game partner when they do their outfits and who to partner with.

Do you have any advice on how. They could like find a way to collab with these and find the perfect company to collaborate. Yeah. That's why 


Nak3d Is, is, uh, Nak3d, is helping fashion brands find the right games for them and vice versa, help, you know, gaming, uh, find the right fashion designers that they can match your demographic.


So guys, everyone hit up Rinat on LinkedIn and you can, they'll find you the perfect gaming partner to game with. Um, yeah. Okay. So how do you see digital fashion contribute to the enhancement of customer experiences and personalisation, obviously in both in real life and the gaming environment and how it's gonna shape the future consumption and engagement within the fashion industry?


Yeah. Well, you know, as I said, I mean, the minute you can test collections and test items, um, it's gonna be a whole new, a new experience, uh, a shopping experience. Uh, which we don't have today. E-commerce is very, very confusing. On the other side, we have social media, which we can test stuff, but we have to purchase them.

And if we're talking about augmented, like, uh, companies that are doing augmented now for social media, it's fun, but it's, it's not, you know, as simple as buying the clothes or getting the clothes, trying them on posing. So in the games you'll be able to pose with your avatar and, uh, it'll be easier to try things and it won't be.

It won't be so bad for the environment. You know, I think, I think that's, that's the most important thing with digital fashion. It's gonna make, it's gonna create a more sustainable world for the fashion brands and for the consumers. Um, I think it's something that every fashion brand, they don't really have a choice.

You're gonna have to adopt it. Um, some brands are already doing it, so you know, they're working with Clo3d or brows wear. And I think it's very important. Um, and if you wanna stay relevant in this space, if you wanna, you know, not just be a domestic uh, fashion brand, but you really wanna go out and find, you know, be global, then you have to move into 3D design.

And that's a skill. You know, your question you asked before, that's a skill that is very important. But again, I dunno what's gonna happen with ai, right? I mean, most likely yeah. So you just need to, you know, be creative, be in the industry that you want all the time. If it's gaming or it's fashion. Uh, be innovative, see what's trending, and not be afraid of new, of new technology if it's digital right.

Design or ai. Um, I think and learning. Learning all the time, all the time. Learning, listening to videos like this, you know, reading, it's very, very important. Yeah, definitely. 


And how, how do you keep up? So like with our younger viewers are watching and anyone that's watching, how do you keep up with all of these trends?

Cause obviously in the tech industry, um, it's always changing. There's always something new. So how do you keep up? 


I, well, I think you need to be less on social media, you know, stalking your friends and more reading. I mean, it's, social media is great, but I think it's a lot of reading, uh, podcasts. So many podcasts out there about what's going on.

Um, I mean I heard about NFTs from podcasts like five years ago when it just started. Um, you know, and then you read more cuz you like it. Uh, I think young generation, I know they don't really work with LinkedIn, but LinkedIn has a lot of, uh, um, relevant information, especially if you tap to the right set of people, the people that interest you, and then you can really see what's going on.

Um, if it's in fashion you've got BOF, right? Um, you've got Vogue a lot of times that they have very interesting articles, but you have to read a lot from different places cuz everybody has their niche so you really have to read from different, um, magazines are articles that come out. But, you know, I think podcasts is easier a lot of times cause you can do it while you're doing other stuff, while you're running, exercising, driving, you know?

Um, Yeah, so podcasts, I really recommend it. Definitely. 


Yeah. Podcasts are good to listen to. Yeah, I like some, having some in the background. Even with videos. I won't watch the video, but I'm listening to it in the background and I think, yeah, it's really useful. That's the best part. Cause we've got so much, like you said, you can learn from anywhere.

Now YouTube, it's the videos that we're doing here. Podcast, literally anywhere. Um, so we're gonna round up now, um, so in your opinion, what are the key consideration challenges that brands should be aware of when they are entering the digital fashion space, and how can they ensure that they have a successful transition?


I think they need to partner with the right people, collaborate with the right, uh, you know, if it's, uh, digital marketing or, uh, even, uh, the right game. Uh, there are a lot of people that are pushing for certain games. Which are not always right for the brands. Um, and you know, like I said, listen to podcasts.

Even even the fashion brands, uh, this is a whole new, uh, you know, space that is evolving all the time. So even they have to talk to as many people, not just one person. As many people, they have to use LinkedIn to, you know, um, talk to influencers in the space or. Uh, they need to, you know, check out videos, read articles which are relevant to what they wanna do.

Um, and you know, even play the games. Like if somebody comes to their, or give their children even, you know what? Even if they're, if they're too old, you know, some people say, oh, I'm too old to play a game. That's. I cannot say the word, but that's nonsense. Okay. But even give it to your kids or to your nephews, or to the neighbors.

See what they think about the game. Check out, ask them questions. Interview this generation. See what they want. I mean, that's how you know which game to tap in. That's how you'll know which brand matches, uh, the game and vice versa. Right. I mean, just do your research. Basically they have to do it as well and not just listen.

Cuz there are a lot of people on LinkedIn that saying that they know, you know, uh, this is the best game. Tap into this game. No, check it out. Do your research. See what's right for you.


And you're definitely right. Research. You have to research no matter what market and what industry. You have to do research before you do anything.

And like you said, yeah, parents that are watching this and you're working for big brands and you wanna see what you can do to tap into the gaming, ask your children, ask to nieces and nephews, friends of children. Cause that's the best place to like get the information. Cuz they are the next generation and they're the generation that we want.

So, yeah, that's a very good piece of advice cuz people don't think about that. They don't think about their children being like their next customer. And that's the generation that we're working with. So last question. What are you most excited about? About the future of digital fashion? 


Oh wow. I'm excited about it. Um, I don't know. I think it's gonna be a lot. I mean, I hate, I hate e-commerce, I can say now, right? It's, it's, uh, awful. I'm, I'm a fashion designer, so when I see all, you know, even in e-commerce, I'm not alking about the physical aspect, right? That there's so much, um, that it's really bad for the environment.

All the manufacturing and burning items and collections. Um, even e-commerce, there's so much information there. I cannot find anything. I mean, it's so frustrating to shop online. Um, really, and, uh, I'm so excited about, you know, this next, next, next era where, um, gaming's gonna be a place that we can like, dress up and have fun and kill people while we're having fun or, you know, And, uh, you know, play ladybug, I don't know, but like, wearing different clothes and then buying it, you know, I think it's gonna be a lot more engaging, you know, more immersive.

And I think that that's the word. Like the minute you have those two, um, I think the experience is gonna be totally different and, uh, and customers are gonna have more control over, you know, um, What's going on, what's trending? Um, I think that's what's exciting. 


No, definitely. So Rinat, where can we find you on social? Where can we connect? If you can just share with our audience? 


Yeah, absolutely. LinkedIn. Uh, I'll be happy to connect. I'll be happy to, you know, answer questions. Um, yeah, absolutely. Feel free to. To link me up.


That's how I met Rinat. I linkedIn with her and then that's how we got this going.  


Thank you very much for having me.


Thank you so much, so much, Rinat. We're gonna have more videos coming up. I hope you guys have a lovely day watching our digital fashion event. Obviously follow us on and Rinat I'll definitely, definitely message you when we do the gaming event soon. Absolutely. Thank you. 





Hi everyone. I'm Nadiyah, head of marketing at hundo, and I'm here with Rinat and we are here to talk about data powered fashion, unveiling the secrets to digital fashion success. Rinat, do you wanna introduce yourself?


Hi, my name is Rinat and I'm from Nak3D. Um, yeah, I've been in the fashion industry for a really long time, and then in the, you know, tech, tech part of the fashion industry, so I'm very excited to be here.


Can you provide an overview of Nak3d's role and activities in the digital fashion space and how the company's making an unique impact? Yeah. Uh, 


Well, Nak3d is actually bridging between the two worlds of, uh, virtual and fashion. Uh, what we do, we take, uh, fashion, uh, designs and uh, uh, you know, fashion collections that are coming out and we make them game ready for the games.

Uh, the idea is really not only to convert them, but put the metadata and enable gamers to buy them straight from the game, uh, and help the fashion brands test the collections before manufacturing. So see what's working, uh, see which, uh, uh, combinations are, are more popular or trending. And, you know, this is really to bring a more sustainable, uh, effort into the fashion industry, and it helps the gaming industry have a rich offering for the gamers.



Yeah. Super cool. Cause obviously in digital fashion, in incorporate a lot of gaming. Yeah. It's really cool. So how does Nak3d leverage data to enhance their digital fashion solutions and improve customer experiences? 


Well, the fun part about gaming is, uh, when you choose Avatar, everybody chooses their own style, right?

Everybody has their own avatar. Um, sometimes it's not who we really are in the physical world. Sometimes it's like this whole different persona. So, Um, but the cool thing about this is that we don't just, um, buy an item, right? Like we do in e-commerce. We buy a whole look an outfit. And this is a lot of, uh, data that the brands don't have today.

Cause an e-commerce, even in the store, when you go shopping in store or in e-commerce, same, you buy items, but it's not, they don't know if you're wearing them together. But in gaming, in virtual worlds, they know what people are pairing up. So they can understand, you know, what colors are trending now, um, what colors are what not to manufacture, cuz it's not really happening and people are not responding to those collaborations or the, so I think that's, that's the most important part of the data.

It's the metadata behind the creation and behind the, the making the collections game ready. It's not just converting like a lot of, uh, Companies are doing today, it's okay. You're converting it into games, but you have to learn, um, what the gamers want. How are they dressing their avatars? Why are they doing that?

Different demographic, different games. That's a lot of data that is very crucial to really bring a more sustainable, uh, industry and more sustainable, uh, aspect to the fashion brands. 


Yeah, definitely. And it's so interesting cause there's so many different styles out there, a lot of creators doing different things.

And with the avatar you can really use self-expression like hundo we use Ready Player Me. And the, each of the team have their own avatar and they obviously express themselves. My one's like got a warrior outfit, so I've got swords and everything, so, yeah. No, it's really cool. That's really cool. Um, how does the analyst data in digital fashion help brands and creators understand which item preferred together in different virtual environments, and how can they leverage with this knowledge and enhance customer experiences?


Well, it really depends on the fashion brand, right? Every game is a different demographic.  Um, if we're talking about Fortnite or if we're talking about, um, you know, there's so many games out there, Roblox, um, those, these are the popular ones. There are also, you know, the ones that are really for gamers that are playing and not really social.

So I think the brands need to understand, first of all, you know, what their demographic is and only then they can. Really understand how, how they can monetize it. So they can see there that, let's say in Roblox, if you have a, let's go the simplest way, right? If they have a T-shirt, so in Roblox most likely will be like with Vans

or Nike or Adidas, right? They will wear it more like sport casual. But if you take it into Fortnite, it's like what you said, it's fun, it's warriors, right? So they will put more like, um, Like more of the t-shirt with like costumes or, I don't know, leather pants or, you know, it could be like with, with the swords, you take it to a different, it's a totally different style.

And then if you go to Call of Duty, maybe it's like more, you know, like, uh, military style or, so this is something the brands can see with different demographics, how people are creating different looks. And uh, this is really strong data. 


Definitely. Yeah. And obviously like with brands like, um, Gucci, Burberry, tapping in, you can get like a Gucci bag, you can get like Nike trainers.

So it's very interesting having all those incorporate into the gaming life as well. Um, in what ways can digital fashion be utilised to test collections, demographics beforehand contribute to sustainability effects and in the, in the fashion industry?


Well, you know, one of the funny things is most of the games are very, um, male-centric, right?

Um, and I think one of the reasons is because you don't put any, the fashion industry is not there yet. So think about, I don't know, what's the, I'm thinking about a really like male even, uh, okay. Let's say Call of Duty, right? It's kind of like, it's very hard, like hard game. I would say, but what if you had a Valentino dress there, like a red Valentino dress that you can wear?

You think how many female gamers would go into that game? I would say then exactly. You know what I mean? So think about it, it's like you can really use digital fashion to, to bring in a whole new demographic for a game. Um, you just, you just need to want to do that cuz a lot of the avatars in these games are not.

Females don't feel very comfortable with them and you know, but you can just change it with a bit of bringing digital fashion in and then you can monetize it by, you know, if you're now wearing this beautiful, let's say not Valentino, cuz not a lot of people can afford a Valentino dress, but you know, you can like wear the Valentino dress and then uh, buy it.

I dunno if in Zara, if they have something similar, cuz usually they do. Right? It's not a Valentino dress, but it's similar. Um, not quite similar. Yeah. But yeah. But you know what I mean. I mean, you can use digital fashion to change the demographic of the game if you want to. Um, it's, it's very, very strong and, uh, the gaming industry has to be more open to bringing fashion designs, um, to their, uh, platforms.

And then it will bring a new demographic, new audience, new gamers, and I think that that could be pretty cool. 


No, definitely. Like you said, if I could have like a Burberry outfit or Valentino dress, I would definitely play like Call of Duty and everything. That'd be so cool. Yeah, it'll be so cool having like angel wings and everything, having, like, you can see, um, with Ready Player Me, um, they did a collab with Vogue and you could get like vogue outfits and go on the runway and stuff.

And obviously that's more appealing. And me and my colleagues, female colleagues, we really loved that. Whereas when it came to like, um, the more plain outfits, we didn't really like that much. So yeah, I definitely agree, when it comes to you talking about. Having more of a female audience if you have like dresses and outfits and like for big brands like that and especially like young people who are still learning and getting into the space, like they can then express themselves as well cuz there's a lot of young creators out there.


So yeah, I think it's really good, you know, but even with Ready Player Me, that you can wear all these items, but a lot of times, at least in my case, when I play a game and I have this very cool skin, I really wanna buy it. I wanna wear an life. You know what I mean? Yeah. And you can't do it. I mean, it's not possible today.

And with Nak3d, you could actually, you know, buy straight from the game. And that's what we're working at. It's really bringing social media and e-commerce together, colliding them together into games. And I think that would really change the whole, uh, shopping experience in these worlds. 


Definitely. So with the rise of obviously digital fashion, the shift towards skin shopping, how do you see the future of the industry evolving away from the physical realm?


Oh, I don't think it'll go away. They're just colliding. I mean, like we said, right? It's a way to test. So even if now you're playing a game, uh, you can wear all these crazy combinations that you would never have the guts to wear in real life. Uh, and your friends will go, Hey, that's pretty cool. So you'll say, great.

So I'm gonna go buy it. I'm gonna go today. You know, I have this lunch, I'm gonna wear it. It gives you the confidence to test things that you wouldn't do in real life. I don't think people will stop shopping. I'm hoping the fashion brands would will use this as a testing round before manufacturing. I think that's a place where it will change the physical realm.

Um, it will give a, a space for the fashion brands to be more sustainable and not just manufacture, but understand the demand, understand, you know, uh, what's trending and only then really, uh, manufacture. So I think that would be an impact. But on us as consumers, I think we'll keep buying physical clothes, but we'll just.

We'll have the opportunity to test things before we buy, so maybe, you know, we'll, we'll buy, we'll shop smarter more efficiently. That's for sure. 


Yeah, at one point that you said like, um, shopping more smartly and being able to try these items on, um, cause obviously right now a few that you get, you get like Mac makeup, a few makeup brands where you can test the lipstick beforehand and they use AR and like filters.

Do you think more brands in the retail space, we'll start doing that more cuz not a lot really do it. I know that Pandora does jewelry where you can try it on beforehand. How do you see more that's more like augmented reality?


That. Yeah, absolutely. That's fun. I think that's really fun. But it's different when you're, when you're socialising with friends in virtual worlds, um, and then you really feel, I. You know, there is a connection between your avatar and the gamer. You're really immersed into this space. It's not like watching TV when you're, you know, you can watch TV and you're in the physical world here. You're really into the game. You usually, you can be hours in the games and you don't know what's going on.

You're, and this is even before, you know, uh, virtual glasses and all that. I mean, this is now when we're looking at a screen, but we're so immersed in this experience and I think I. When you're dressed there and even when you put makeup on your avatar, that's strong. But the problem makeup is, you know, it's your skin colour.

It's a bit different. It has to be augmented. Um, it could be fun in the game, but I think with clothes you could really the test it on the avatars. Cuz think about it, most of the time the clothes at the clothes, it's not about how it fits us. It's a combination. It's how we style it. That's what defines us.

Um, You know, and the sizing, that's a different, that's a different use case. So then augmented reality could go into the sizing and then you can see if, if it, if it fits, like really tight or loose. But you creating your style, your unique style, what goes with what the combinations, that's things you could play, uh, you know, in gaming.

And I think that's where, uh, that's the difference between clothes and uh, makeup. In the gaming world. 


Yeah, definitely. And so can you explain more about how Nak3d works? So I remember when we first met, you were telling me how you guys work with the designers beforehand to create these digital items, and then you then obviously put it, um, online and you sell them.

So what's the process behind it? Like how does it work?.  


So look the idea is that fashion, we already have a huge industry, right? Working to bring fashion to, uh, consumers, and they're pretty good. Uh, we all go and we buy if it's luxury, high Street, or, you know, uh, really smaller brands and we're saying, why not take those beautiful creations and bring them into games?

And then not just bringing into games as, you know, a digital, uh, Garment that you can just play with actually connecting, connecting it to the physical one. So I think that's what Nak3d, um, that's our specialty, connecting the physical with the digital. And also when we take the physical, we put, you know, every aspect and every element and every.

Every detail that the garment has. So it really would look exactly as the same as, uh, the physical one. And it has to be low poly, so it has to go into games. Cuz when you wanna do it in 3D for, you know, augmented and stuff, it's a bit easier. But when one, and it has to go into these virtual worlds, uh, there's a lot of technical issues that you have to address.

And that's where, uh, we are really good at. So we're able to do that. 

Nadiyah: So with the emergence of new sales channels and changing market landscapes, what strategies and approaches are being employed to adapt to these ship and reach a new generation of consumers? 


Yeah, so I think, uh, the new generation of consumers is really young now.

It's like gen Gen Alpha and Gen Z. Um, yeah, so. I think it's gonna bring a lot of new opportunities regarding, you know, um, sales, new sales channels and, uh, I mean, everything's gonna change. If it's gonna be where you could buy straight from the game and, you know, it comes to your house or you go to the shop and you can, uh, buy, you know, an item and you get the digital, the digital, um, twin for the game, I mean, It's, it's kind of, it's gonna change everything.

I mean, and Nak3d, we call it g-commerce, so it's game commerce. Um, it's, like I said, it's really colliding social and uh, and e-commerce together. So I think, uh, all the sales channels are really gonna change and bring new opportunities. And I think that's very exciting. 


Yeah, that is very exciting. I learned what g-commerce was, um, like you said.

Um, so how can brands and designers leverage the growth of g-commerce and digital fashion to provide unique, personalised experiences for their customers and create competitive edge in the market? 


Yeah, so I think the most important thing is understand their, their customers, their consumers understand which games they're playing at.

Um, that's the most important thing. I mean, a lot of brands are just creating their own games, luxury brands. Um, I don't think that is the case. I think that, I don't think that's the way to go. I think there are a lot of amazing games out there, uh, that already have a huge demographic of players. I think the.

The gaming industry wants to bring more, you know, a different set of demographics and not the traditional one. Like we said before, you know, more female, uh, playing the games. So you bring like very cool, um, you know, accessories and dresses and the things that we love and that's okay and nails and makeup and all that.

Um, it's most importantly is understanding your consumers. Um, and then you can understand which games are right for you. Um, and, you know, not being, like, being open for innovation and error. I mean, this is a whole new world. The metaverse, you know, it's just, it's not dead. It's actually, it's, it's here and it's gonna get, you know, a lot bigger and it's gonna be more immersive.

And you have to understand it's a whole different way of consumers to engage with your, with your collections and with your items. And you need to be open to that, and you need to talk, you know, to digital designers. Uh, you need to be open to talk to, uh, people from the gaming industry, understand what their pain points is, how you can bring in the fashion collections to these, uh, to these games.

Um, yeah, it's, you know, collaborations, I think it's the most important thing for now if they want to survive in this, uh, you know, like revolution and, and the change that's coming.  


So in the digital fashion industry, what type of jobs are there available and what specific skills are there in high demand for individuals looking to build a career, and where should they start?


Uh, well, I think today in the digital fashion industry, it would be skills like, uh, 3D modeling, uh, virtual design, software development, um, data analytics I think would be in, in like, High sought after, um, you know, expertise in gaming. I think even at being a gamer is something important. I mean, uh, you don't have to be a game developer, but playing the game, understanding the world, understanding how it works, I think that is very important.

Uh, digital marketing, you know, but again, I think, um, if you wanna be in this world, you have to. You have to play games, you know, any game. It doesn't have to be like any game. Try to understand how it works. Especially social games I think is very, very important. Uh, you know, and the regular, I think 3D artists, virtual fashion stylist, ux UI designer, I mean, all the regular stuff that you know.

Um, but yeah, it's basically understanding how these environments work. Uh, finding the game that you like and, uh, dressing your avatar, you know, seeing how, how you connect to the avatar, how it becomes like a part of you. Um, I think that's, that's the most important thing. Uh, I think they're gonna be, um, new jobs that we don't even know about. Um, especially now with AI coming in, I think everything's gonna change so, Just being part of this world is very important. 


Yeah, no, definitely. It'll be interesting for our viewers, especially our female viewers, on how you got into this space and like, yeah, just cuz obviously with me when I started in tech, there's not many.

Females in the tech industry, and even I didn't know I could like work in tech non-technical skills. So for all our viewers, young girls in schools are watching this, what advice would you give to them and explain how you got into this space? Yeah. First of all, 


I think computer science is all around us.

You know, we always think that computer science is for a very specific, uh, target of people, um, that they work usually in high tech or you know, all these startups. Uh, geeks, you know, writing code all day, but it's really not like that. It's all around us. I mean, computational thinking I think is something like, uh, that we encounter every day and you just need to go into this world.

You know, if we're talking specifically about virtual worlds and gaming, just start playing games, as I said. But if you wanna go into the tech industry, Um, just, just go, you know, just start. Everybody can do that. You don't have to be good at math or anything else. You just need to, to give it a shot. Learn, be open to learning new things, you know, saying if you don't know something, go.

I mean, today we've got everything online. Seriously, you can learn everything on your own. Um, you know, and, and tech is not only coding. I mean, I learned coding, I did some coding. Uh, I hate it. You know, I don't have the ability to sit alone with the computer and, and create this, this beautiful art. I, I cannot do that.

I like talking to people. I like the more creative aspect. Um, so in tech you have the so much, you know, so much to give no matter what you. What your skillset is, but just don't be afraid. Go in and, uh, you know, seriously, everybody, anybody can do it depends what you're doing, right? I mean, not, not everybody can code cuz I think code is, is a skill, an art skill.

Um, you have to be very patient. You know, like, not everybody can design, but, uh, there are a lot of, a lot of jobs in, in the fashion industry that you can do. Um, and there are a lot of jobs in gaming today, and they're gonna be even more in the future cuz I believe everything's gonna come together. Like fashion and gaming, education and gaming.

Um, yeah, it's like, it's, it's really fun. You just have to take part of it. 


Yeah, no, definitely. Yeah. I do see a future where gaming is gonna be more involved. Cause I feel like obviously the education system is very boring and very like, Um, traditional, like books and everything, and I feel like it will change, especially since covid everything, using more online stuff and integrating game and making it more fun.

So tapping into the gaming side, how do you see gaming changing, like fashion and education, all these different things?


Yeah, I think, uh, in gaming you can be more creative, uh, especially than, uh, in real life, right? That if we take education or even fashion, Uh, you there is like, you cannot do a lot of things in the physical world, or you can, but it costs a lot of money.

Um, or you need to do a lot of, uh, tests, right? And that's something that usually, especially in big brands, you don't wanna test a lot cuz it costs money, right? Yeah. Everything has to be like, buy the book. Uh, that's why a lot of times they cannot be creative. Um, but if you. If you bring it into the gaming industry, you know, you can do anything you want.

I mean, that's the beauty. You have all these, if you were talking about education or if we're talking about fashion, um, or design doesn't have to be fashion, right? You can do whatever you want. You can test it. You can test, uh, Different combinations that you would never do in physical life. You can test different approaches in education that you won't do in life.

So I think that's what gaming is so important, our virtual world. Um, it, it, there are endless possibilities there and uh, it doesn't cost us much, right. If you're on the right platform. Uh, yeah. So I think, I think, and if you do it smart, cuz a lot of, a lot of brands today are all over. They don't know like, which, Which game is right for them.

So they put a lot of money into only Roblox. They put money only into only, um, you know, uh, call of Duty or different games. But they can really, if they choose the right company, right, they can really go into multiple worlds at the same time. Testing environment, seeing what's right for them. Understanding where the real demographic is.

Cuz this is Gen Alpha, they're not yet their, their consumers, right? Um, so this is a great way for them to tap in. I think, uh, definitely gaming is gonna be, you know, um, in, in all ages, not just, uh, gen alpha and Gen Z. Umm, not sure of that. I'm, I'm not talking about hyper games, right. On the phone of something like, like social games.

Yeah. Like really having an avatar, you know, dressing it up, going, meeting friends in virtual worlds. Yeah. That's kind of, uh, games. Yeah. 


Yeah, I know it's very interesting, obviously, like even in the workplace, like where sometimes we have meetings in like spatial and we're in our avatars and we're having meetings and stuff like that.

And even last year when we did the launch of CareerCon and we had um, our spatial gallery and we had people going in there, we had young people, we had, um, brands, employers all going in and talking to each other. So it is different. And thing with like virtual spaces is you can be anywhere in the world. And that's like the best part of it.

And I feel like you can be anywhere, even in gaming, you can be on the other side of the world, but you're talking to someone from here. So I feel like even communication, making friends is really good. And networking.


You know, funny what you said about, uh, what, what you just did, cuz in the Decentraland, I think it was last year when they had the fashion, the first fashion events that they did.

So I didn't have, I didn't wanna have, I have a wallet today, but I didn't wanna have a wallet back then. And then I couldn't buy cool clothes, so I was just walking there, you know, with this avatar wearing really ugly stuff. But, uh, now look, it's a virtual world. Nobody knows who I am, but I still want it to look good.

You know, it's like, it was a, it was this, uh, fashion week and everybody was there and there were beautiful clothes and I couldn't wear anything. And that was so frustrating. So this year I didn't even go cuz I was like, you know, if I can wear cool stuff and it shows you how, Important, you know, um, dressing up for social games is like what you said.

Now when you have work events, sometimes most of the time you wanna dress up, you wanna dress your avatar, you know, set the mood. Like if you're in dark mood, you wanna wear all black, like if it's summer. So you wanna be more like fun and, you know, so I think it's very important and, uh, and I think, you know, ready player, me and all, all that Avatar.

Platforms need to remember that. Um, there's this whole fashion industry that they can come in, tap in and really bring a lot of collections. I think it's very important  to understand.

Nadiyah:Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Like we've come, we've had meetings where people come in dressed as animals and like fairy costumes.

Yeah. Sometimes I'm like, who is this person? Cause we can't recognise them. But like you said, it's like a self-expression. You can come in as however you want and be whoever you want. And I think that's the best part of it. Um, cool. 


It's a nice gig. Yeah. 


So one of the things that you obviously spoke about is wallets, and that's one of the, like, that's also for me, like I, I've got a wallet now, but previously, like I wouldn't tap into these spaces cuz of the wallet and the payment and everything.

Do you think there's gonna be a world where we have different payment methods without the wallet when it comes to gaming and buying these things?


Yeah. Cuz now, you know, NFTs are not really working. Uh, people don't wanna have the, the wallets that are offered today, they need something simpler. It's really hard.

I mean, you're, you're talking about tapping into the tech industry, right? It's try tapping into the wallet industry you need. It's, it's, it's too difficult. You have to have things that are simple people, you know, uh, want things that are easy, um, that they're not, you know, safe. Safety is so important in these worlds.

I mean, it's, I think today is number one. Um, so yeah, I think it, it will change. It has to change. It's gonna be a lot easier. It's gonna be like, you know, it's gonna be like the, the PayPal. PayPal of Web three. Somebody's gonna create it. I hope not. Elon Musk. Cause Yeah. You know, and then from PayPal it's gonna be even easier and easier, right.

People, if people, everybody was wild. So, but today you can pay. Seamlessly. Right. Um, so I guess that's what's gonna happen. I'm sure. But, 


Something interesting that you said, so any like employers and brands that are watching this, so you spoke about how, um, making sure that they find the perfect game partner when they do their outfits and who to partner with.

Do you have any advice on how. They could like find a way to collab with these and find the perfect company to collaborate. Yeah. That's why 


Nak3d Is, is, uh, Nak3d, is helping fashion brands find the right games for them and vice versa, help, you know, gaming, uh, find the right fashion designers that they can match your demographic.


So guys, everyone hit up Rinat on LinkedIn and you can, they'll find you the perfect gaming partner to game with. Um, yeah. Okay. So how do you see digital fashion contribute to the enhancement of customer experiences and personalisation, obviously in both in real life and the gaming environment and how it's gonna shape the future consumption and engagement within the fashion industry?


Yeah. Well, you know, as I said, I mean, the minute you can test collections and test items, um, it's gonna be a whole new, a new experience, uh, a shopping experience. Uh, which we don't have today. E-commerce is very, very confusing. On the other side, we have social media, which we can test stuff, but we have to purchase them.

And if we're talking about augmented, like, uh, companies that are doing augmented now for social media, it's fun, but it's, it's not, you know, as simple as buying the clothes or getting the clothes, trying them on posing. So in the games you'll be able to pose with your avatar and, uh, it'll be easier to try things and it won't be.

It won't be so bad for the environment. You know, I think, I think that's, that's the most important thing with digital fashion. It's gonna make, it's gonna create a more sustainable world for the fashion brands and for the consumers. Um, I think it's something that every fashion brand, they don't really have a choice.

You're gonna have to adopt it. Um, some brands are already doing it, so you know, they're working with Clo3d or brows wear. And I think it's very important. Um, and if you wanna stay relevant in this space, if you wanna, you know, not just be a domestic uh, fashion brand, but you really wanna go out and find, you know, be global, then you have to move into 3D design.

And that's a skill. You know, your question you asked before, that's a skill that is very important. But again, I dunno what's gonna happen with ai, right? I mean, most likely yeah. So you just need to, you know, be creative, be in the industry that you want all the time. If it's gaming or it's fashion. Uh, be innovative, see what's trending, and not be afraid of new, of new technology if it's digital right.

Design or ai. Um, I think and learning. Learning all the time, all the time. Learning, listening to videos like this, you know, reading, it's very, very important. Yeah, definitely. 


And how, how do you keep up? So like with our younger viewers are watching and anyone that's watching, how do you keep up with all of these trends?

Cause obviously in the tech industry, um, it's always changing. There's always something new. So how do you keep up? 


I, well, I think you need to be less on social media, you know, stalking your friends and more reading. I mean, it's, social media is great, but I think it's a lot of reading, uh, podcasts. So many podcasts out there about what's going on.

Um, I mean I heard about NFTs from podcasts like five years ago when it just started. Um, you know, and then you read more cuz you like it. Uh, I think young generation, I know they don't really work with LinkedIn, but LinkedIn has a lot of, uh, um, relevant information, especially if you tap to the right set of people, the people that interest you, and then you can really see what's going on.

Um, if it's in fashion you've got BOF, right? Um, you've got Vogue a lot of times that they have very interesting articles, but you have to read a lot from different places cuz everybody has their niche so you really have to read from different, um, magazines are articles that come out. But, you know, I think podcasts is easier a lot of times cause you can do it while you're doing other stuff, while you're running, exercising, driving, you know?

Um, Yeah, so podcasts, I really recommend it. Definitely. 


Yeah. Podcasts are good to listen to. Yeah, I like some, having some in the background. Even with videos. I won't watch the video, but I'm listening to it in the background and I think, yeah, it's really useful. That's the best part. Cause we've got so much, like you said, you can learn from anywhere.

Now YouTube, it's the videos that we're doing here. Podcast, literally anywhere. Um, so we're gonna round up now, um, so in your opinion, what are the key consideration challenges that brands should be aware of when they are entering the digital fashion space, and how can they ensure that they have a successful transition?


I think they need to partner with the right people, collaborate with the right, uh, you know, if it's, uh, digital marketing or, uh, even, uh, the right game. Uh, there are a lot of people that are pushing for certain games. Which are not always right for the brands. Um, and you know, like I said, listen to podcasts.

Even even the fashion brands, uh, this is a whole new, uh, you know, space that is evolving all the time. So even they have to talk to as many people, not just one person. As many people, they have to use LinkedIn to, you know, um, talk to influencers in the space or. Uh, they need to, you know, check out videos, read articles which are relevant to what they wanna do.

Um, and you know, even play the games. Like if somebody comes to their, or give their children even, you know what? Even if they're, if they're too old, you know, some people say, oh, I'm too old to play a game. That's. I cannot say the word, but that's nonsense. Okay. But even give it to your kids or to your nephews, or to the neighbors.

See what they think about the game. Check out, ask them questions. Interview this generation. See what they want. I mean, that's how you know which game to tap in. That's how you'll know which brand matches, uh, the game and vice versa. Right. I mean, just do your research. Basically they have to do it as well and not just listen.

Cuz there are a lot of people on LinkedIn that saying that they know, you know, uh, this is the best game. Tap into this game. No, check it out. Do your research. See what's right for you.


And you're definitely right. Research. You have to research no matter what market and what industry. You have to do research before you do anything.

And like you said, yeah, parents that are watching this and you're working for big brands and you wanna see what you can do to tap into the gaming, ask your children, ask to nieces and nephews, friends of children. Cause that's the best place to like get the information. Cuz they are the next generation and they're the generation that we want.

So, yeah, that's a very good piece of advice cuz people don't think about that. They don't think about their children being like their next customer. And that's the generation that we're working with. So last question. What are you most excited about? About the future of digital fashion? 


Oh wow. I'm excited about it. Um, I don't know. I think it's gonna be a lot. I mean, I hate, I hate e-commerce, I can say now, right? It's, it's, uh, awful. I'm, I'm a fashion designer, so when I see all, you know, even in e-commerce, I'm not alking about the physical aspect, right? That there's so much, um, that it's really bad for the environment.

All the manufacturing and burning items and collections. Um, even e-commerce, there's so much information there. I cannot find anything. I mean, it's so frustrating to shop online. Um, really, and, uh, I'm so excited about, you know, this next, next, next era where, um, gaming's gonna be a place that we can like, dress up and have fun and kill people while we're having fun or, you know, And, uh, you know, play ladybug, I don't know, but like, wearing different clothes and then buying it, you know, I think it's gonna be a lot more engaging, you know, more immersive.

And I think that that's the word. Like the minute you have those two, um, I think the experience is gonna be totally different and, uh, and customers are gonna have more control over, you know, um, What's going on, what's trending? Um, I think that's what's exciting. 


No, definitely. So Rinat, where can we find you on social? Where can we connect? If you can just share with our audience? 


Yeah, absolutely. LinkedIn. Uh, I'll be happy to connect. I'll be happy to, you know, answer questions. Um, yeah, absolutely. Feel free to. To link me up.


That's how I met Rinat. I linkedIn with her and then that's how we got this going.  


Thank you very much for having me.


Thank you so much, so much, Rinat. We're gonna have more videos coming up. I hope you guys have a lovely day watching our digital fashion event. Obviously follow us on and Rinat I'll definitely, definitely message you when we do the gaming event soon. Absolutely. Thank you. 



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