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WTF is the metaverse!?

All you need to know about the almighty metaverse



Here at hundo HQ, we’re setting ourselves up to be well and truly within the metaverse. So it makes sense to explain exactly what the hell it is! So grab a notepad: here’s exactly what you need to know…

The definition of the metaverse
There are thousands of ways you can describe the metaverse, but our Technical Co-Founder Scott Bryne-Fraser puts it perfectly! He says: "The definition of the metaverse is evolving all the time. For me, the metaverse represents a new decentralised paradigm for the web. A version of the web run and governed by its citizens. Imagine Ready Player One, with a system of connected worlds that aren't owned by one single organisation or group." 

Scott’s knowledge of the metaverse is quite frankly outstanding (so check out our feature with him here to see what else he has to say!) 

What on earth is an NFT? 
The metaverse and NFTs are two phrases that often go hand in hand. But what exactly is an NFT, or rather Non Fungible Token? 

NFTs are essentially, in their rawest form, anything digital that can be sold on the blockchain – from digital pieces of art to fashion. You might have seen in the headlines that even artist Grimes is making her own NFT’s. There are a lot of predictions that some NFTs could become collectable pieces, influencing a whole new area of digital art collection (exciting!). But put simply, they are anything digital that can be sold or traded on the blockchain. 

Where do I learn about NFT’ and the metaverse? 
There’s this little (well massive) platform called Discord that hosts most of the conversation surrounding the metaverse and NFTs. You can join different channels and hop in on the discord discourse, or just sit and observe! There are also some people who have taken to Twitter and TikTok to share their findings. There’s also an amazing podcast by Cathy Hackl that we would encourage you to dive into.

How can I get involved? 
hundo is jumping into the metaverse, and you will have to keep your eyes peeled for now to see how you can get involved with that. There really isn’t any one way in which you can ‘join the metaverse’. You could learn how to make your own NFT to sell on the blockchain, you could create a gaming platform that exists only in VR or cyberspace. The possibilities are endless! The metaverse is a new concept, and what makes it so exciting is that there are so many limitless directions that it could take. 

Words: Grace Goslin

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